Saturday, June 12, 2010

Peacefully Wandering Heavy Heart

A cherished person in my life asked me..."How's my heart." The question caught me off guard, while it was one I am dearly familiar with, it has been quite some time since I have been asked it. As I look deep into where I truly am at....God gave me the words... "peacefully wandering heavy heart."

Over the past few months i've really been meditating on and struggling with (cuz it's hard) what it means to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. the things i'm passionate about are hard and depressing, giving me a constantly heavy heart. there are a lot of other longings im wrestling with and some questioning about the future...yet at the same time a sense of peace....resting in the beauty, majesty, and power that is Jesus and knowing i CANT do's only because of Him. that in the wandering, in the confusion, in the heartache, He is goood, He is faithful, and He is ever present. That He loves the broken hearts, is sitting in the SHIT, and is calling me into it. sure there is a lot more to expand on that but thats kinda the sum of it.

And so I continue to wander and wrestle, resting in His grace...cuz it's all I truly know and yet can't even fully comprehend.

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